Lnk.Bio is growing like crazy. With all the new integrations, more features like the Shorturl, and more that will come in the next week, we need space to grow. Especially in the navigation. We want each section to be easily reachable from both Desktop and Mobile devices and allow you to reach the function you need as quickly as possible.

That's why today we unveil the new navigation menu, which includes the following changes and improvements:

On Desktop/Laptop/Tablets:

  • The main navigation menu has been moved from the top of the page to the left of the page
  • This allowed to show the full extent of the menu immediately instead of having to click on the Menu icon
  • The Settings, Log out and help functions are still located under the Menu 

On all devices (including Mobile):

  • Shop & Affiliate have been moved under My Money
  • Newsletter & Contat form have been moved under My Leads
  • IG Scheduler, IG Sync, TikTok Sync, have been moved under Integrations

This update also addressed the issue faced by some users who could not reach the Logout button as their laptop/tablet screen was too short

We hope this new navigation improves your daily experience. If you have feedback, don't hesitate to reach out via email or leave a suggestion.