PayPal is indoubtely one of the most-used payment methods and digital wallets out there. Starting today, you can receive payments for your Lnk.Bio Shop and Booking Calendar from PayPal as well, increasing your chances to convert visitors into customers and increase your revenues from your linkinbio.

PayPal integration is incredibly easy, you can connect your existing account or create a new merchant account. The onboarding just takes a few minutes and you can immediately start selling on Lnk.Bio.

To get started, head over to the Booking/Shop section of your Settings.

The integration with PayPal doesn't only offer more possibilitie to conversion, but it also widens the countries that we support for the Shop and Booking Calendar paid events. You can find the full list of supported countries here.

The PayPal integration can live together with your current Stripe integration and your visitors can freely choose to pay you via Stripe or PayPal.

We are super happy about this new integration and we can't wait to see how our creators will increase their sales!

If you have feedback on how we can make the payment flow even better, always feel free to reach out with your comments and feedback here.