Groups are getting a major upgrade today, with the introduction of 2 new major features:

  • Collapsible Groups
  • Group-specific layout

Collapsible Groups allows you to have your group appear as closed in the beginning. Users can tap/click on the title of the group to open the group and show the underlying Lnks. Sort of like a folder. 

This is especially useful if you have a lot of Lnks and wish for your page to be a smoother experience for your audience.

Group-specific layout allows you to choose a specific layout (grid, grid with title, instagram grid, list) for each specific group of Lnks. This makes it easier to have a page with a mix of Grid+List layout. For example your website links can be a list, but your blog post can be a grid of images.

Both these customisations are available for everyone with access to Groups (so MINI plan and above), and they can be accessed from the two new icons you find in the Groups page, as shown below: