Many thanks to all our Lnk.Bio afficionados who suggested and voted for a new feature to allow image editing directly on Lnk.Bio! We are ready to release this feature in Beta and it's already available in all your accounts, FREE and PREMIUM. 

The new Image Editing feature allows you to Crop, Zoom, Resize and overall edit the Images you upload to accompany your links. You can test it immediately heading over to the Lnks section.

Each image has now a new Crop icon in the bottom-right corner, which you can use to access the Image Editing feature. See below for an example:

Once you click on the Crop icon, you will access the Image editing capabilities. At the top of the new window, you can choose the Crop ratio, as shown below:

By default, we select the ratio that you chose in your Lnk.Bio layout (under Style => Layout): this will ensure that you crop the image to the correct size for fitting your Lnk.Bio profile. However, you can also switch to the other ratios, depending on your necessities.

The Image Editing tool works from Mobile as well, so no need to use your computer to edit/fix the images to your Lnk.Bio, you can do everything from your phone!

We hope this new feature will help you have a faster experience with Links organisation! As always, let us know if you have any questions and please keep the suggestions coming!