Professional Lnk.Bio users will be super happy Today, as we unveil filtering and searching tools for your Lnks.

Among the top-10 suggestions we received from the community, there were:

  • the possibilty to search links by keyword
  • the possibility to filter links by group and visibility

All these have been implemented and are already available for all Lnk.Bio users, including FREE.

To access the new filters, head over to the Lnks section, and click on the new magnifying glass icon, as shown below:



This will open the new filter window, with the possibility to:

  • Search by keyword (will be matched both in the title and the URL)
  • Filter by Group (only for MINI users and only if you have groups in your account)
  • Filter by Visibility (only show hidden or visible Lnks)


We really hope these new additions make your daily tasks smoother and quicker!