One of the top-voted suggestions in our roadmap was the possibility to adjust the size of the fonts on your Lnk.Bio profile. While this was especially relevant before we had released the Headline component, it's still one of the most-requested features on Lnk.Bio.

So we're super happy to "mark as done" yet another suggestion from our wonderful community (you 💜💜💜) and Today we release the possibility to adjust your font size based on your preference. Similarly to all the Font-related features, this is also only included in the UNIQUE subscriptions.

To make sure ratios are respected and mobile responsiveness is working, the font size comes in 3 classes, which will impact both your texts and your headings, maintaining the latter always larger than the former.

To get started adjusting your font sizes, head over to the Style section, tap on Fonts at the top of the page and then scroll down a bit to see the Text/Heading Size section. Simply tap on the size you want to try and your profile will be updated accordingly in real time.

We hope you enjoy this additional layout customisation! 

Have a wonderful Monday everyone 🎉