It's no wonder that most of the top suggestions in our community-driven feature request are for new social, music and contact icons. There are many services out there and different use cases for Lnk.Bio, so listening to all of you is the best way for us to be sure we offer all the services you need.

Based on your feedback, Today we released 6 new icons and improve the appearance of a few others. 

- KO-FI which was at the top of our Suggestion page (Social)

- Onlyfans (Social)

- Amazon Author/Store Page (Social)

- Calendly (Contact)

- Behance (Social)

- Google Podcast (Music)

We've also improved the appearance of few other icons:

- Venmo (Social)

- LikeToKnowIt (Social)

- CashApp (Social)

- Tidal (Music)

- Amazon Music (Music)

- Funkwhale (Music)

- Pandora (Music)

As always you can set your icons from Style => Icons

Enjoy the new icons and keep the good suggestions come!