When we first released the IG SYNC feature, we had a lot of our power users asking to automate the process even further and allow to post automatically to Instagram directly from Lnk.Bio, so that you could save the hassle of repeating the process twice.

Unfortunately, up until recently, this wasn't possible as Instagram didn't allow third parties to schedule posts. But finally this possibility has been released and Lnk.Bio is one of the first platforms to integrate the possibility to post to Instagram + Lnk.Bio from a single panel.

So we're very excited to present the IG Post Scheduler today!

IG Post Scheduler allows you to schedule and post content on both IG and Lnk.Bio with a single form. It will save a lot of time and optimize all your processes.

To get started, head over to the IG Post Scheduler page or read this more detailed guide.

The IG Post Scheduler is available for all our UNIQUE users or Agency Premium users. You can evaluate an upgrade (together with all the existing benefits) directly from the Upgrade page.

As always, please let us know what you think of the update and if we can improve this further!

PS: Stay tuned, we are unveiling something even bigger shortly :)