We've always had a great relationship with Lnk.Bio users, and during the past years we've received a lot of super interesting feedback. Thanks to your feedback, we've made Lnk.Bio better, nicer and more useful, and we want to make sure your feedback is always well received, heard and implemented as fast as possible.

This is why Today we released the Feature Suggestions page, which allow any user (FREE or PAID) to suggest new Icons and more in general new features for Lnk.Bio.

Once approved, each suggestion can be voted by other users who also find it useful and of course we'll dedicate most of our resources to quickly implement the most voted.

You can acces the Feature Suggestions page at this link or from the Style section, where we added this quick notice to involve more users.

Once you access the new page, you will be able to vote or add a new suggestion, as shown below:

Please, keep the suggestions running and we'll do our best to keep up with your awesome ideas!