Who hasn't thought about a URL shortener when they first heard our awesome domains, lnk.bio, ln.ki and lnk.at? While we keep focusing on offering the best linkinbio experience, offering a built-in URL shortener just makes sense, and you thought that too as the Suggestion to create one has been constantly at the top of the requested features for quite some time.

So, we are super happy to unveil the Url Shortener standalone tool, which you can find under Menu >  Url Shortner.

Shorturls created via the Lnk.Bio tool can be used everywhere, not just Lnk.Bio. Here are a few ideas.

All users, including FREE, have access to the new URL Shortner, but MINI and UNIQUE subscribers also have the possibility to customise the shorturl, removing their username and choosing a custom word.

Have fun sharing your long links everywhere, and as always, let us know if we can improve!