We're so excited 🎊🎊 about Today's release! It had been in the works for a few months and will bring so much more flexibility to all of you, Lnk.Bio fam, to make Lnk.Bio as much as you like!

The new Style page allows you to move all the the components of your Lnk.Bio profile in any order. So for example you can move your Social Icons at the top and the Profile Picture at the bottom.

Also, the new Icons block allows to mix & match different categories of icons, so you can have your Contact, Music and Social icons all in one line.

We are also introducing two new blocks, Images and Videos, which allow you to embed any image or video in any position of your Lnk.Bio page.

Titles can also be added to the various sections, and can be customised and styled with different fonts.

Head over to the new Style Page to try everything out now!  

As always, we welcome all your feedback! Please feel free to leave a Suggestion or Contact Us directly!