Another release that enhances your ability to customize your Lnk.Bio page to match your brand and aesthetic: the Line block now offers two additional customization options - width (available for all) and color (available for Unique plans only).

With the width parameter, you can now set a custom width, so the line doesn’t always span 100% of your page. You can specify the width either as a percentage (recommended for most cases) or in fixed pixels. For example, you can set it to 50% to have it span half of your page (centered), or to 40px for a fixed width of 40 pixels, regardless of the device’s screen size.

As for colors, you can choose the line’s color just like you would with other page elements. This option is exclusive to Unique subscribers, similar to other color customization features.

These two new customization options can be combined with the existing ones (thickness and style). For instance, you could create a red, 40% width, extra thick, dashed line.

We hope these new features help you love your linkinbio page even more!