Today is a great day for awesome releases! We're super excited to introduce Multi Lnks—a feature that truly enhances how you use links in your Lnk.Bio.

With Multi Lnks, each Lnk you add can now contain links to up to five different destinations. Plus, you can tag these destinations directly in the picture!

The applications are obviously limitless:

  • E-commerce owners can use Multi Lnks to promote more of their products.
  • Affiliates can sponsor more products per post.
  • Magazines can link to multiple articles.
  • Etc., etc., etc.

The bottom line is that this new feature adds even more customization to your linkinbio page and enhances your chances of conversion.

From your visitor's perspective, everything is integrated seamlessly with your Lnk.Bio page. They click on your Lnk.Bio URL from a post on IG, view the same post on your synced grid, and can explore all the destinations linked within that specific post. It's a perfect funnel that simplifies their journey from interest to action.

To access Multi Lnks, you'll need the UNIQUE plan. If you already have it, thank you for your support! Simply navigate to the Lnks section, select an existing Lnk, choose Multi Lnks, and start adding your destinations.

Once you've added the destinations (up to 5), click on the tag icon to place tags directly inside the picture of the link. This not only adds interactivity but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your posts.

Ready to elevate your linkinbio page? Add your Multi Lnks today and transform the way you connect with your audience!