Now that the Style section allows you to create and organise your content in Blocks, we can also introduce different types of blocks to allow you more flexibility.

Today we're unvealing two new components for your Lnk.Bio profile: Buttons and Separators. To add them to your profile, tap on the Purple Button and then choose the two new blocks as shown below:

Separators are simply lines used to separate different sections of your profile. Separators use the same colors as the borders of your buttons and can be very useful to divide your Lnk.Bio profile in chapters or sections. See an example below.


Buttons are an alternative way to add Lnks outside your Lnks section. For example most people would like to have a GRID layout for their posts, but then a few buttons always at the top to link to their website. That's exactly what Buttons are for. See an example below:

I am sure this will help everyone to have even more fun with their profiles! So enjoy the new features and keep your suggestions coming!