Suggestions have been a core in the Lnk.Bio development since 2015. While we first received them via email or IG DM, we soon opened a dedicated section in the Lnk.Bio dashboard to streamline the feedback process as much as possible.

Many of the new features, updates, fixes, that we release regularly come from your suggestions and we love our community for their input. So thank you all 💜💜💜

Moving forward, we want to keep working closely with you as much as possible to create the best environment to create and manage your Lnk.Bio pages.

So Today we're launching an updated Suggestions page which should make the process of reporting and voting much easier for everyone. Here's how:

  • There's a new Search engine at the top of the page that allows you to quickly browse existing suggestions to find the ones you want to endorse. Remember, we give priority to the highest voted as they reflect a larger portion of our community.

  • Suggestions are now paginated, so navigation is lighter and faster across all devices.

  • When adding a new suggestion, we now provide a list of similar existing suggestions so that you can vote instead of opening a duplicate one. Duplicate entries are always rejected and they don't count towards priority.

We hope that these improvements will help us engage with our community even more and make you feel more involved in the future of Lnk.Bio.

If you have more suggestions about how to make the Suggestions page more useful (suggestion-cenption) please share your feedback here.