We're super happy to announce the relase of the current most-voted suggestion from the Lnk.Bio community: the possibility to download a Contact Card (a.k.a. VCard) from your Lnk.Bio profile.

A VCard facilitates contacts, especially for ecommerce and freelancers, allowing your followers to immediately add your contact details to their Phone contacts.

With this release, immediately available for all users under all plans (including FREE), you can now add a VCard icon with your phone and email information to your Lnk.Bio profile.

To get started, head over to the Style section,  identify or create the Icon Block, tap on Add Icons and dearch for VCard as shown below:

To enter your contact details type them in this format: email;phone

For example: info@lnk.bio;+1473929228

See below a screenshot of how it looks like:

All done! The VCard icon will appear in your public Lnk.Bio profile and when a user taps on it, they will download the Contact Card/VCard directly to their phone.

We'll keep releasing more upgrades regularly, based on your suggestions. So keep them coming!