About Creative Chronicles Collectable Notebooks

Creative Chronicles is not just a notebook; it's a portal to uncharted realms of imagination and inspiration. Whether you're an artist, writer, musician, or simply someone seeking to document your thoughts, "Creative Chronicles" is your trusted companion. Just reach for it and begin to pen your thoughts.

Each "Creative Chronicles" notebook is a treasure trove of possibilities, a canvas for your ideas, and a sanctuary for your musings. It's where your thoughts take shape. With captivating covers, each notebook is a unique doorway to a world of inspiration and contribution to children in need. 

Collectable Notebooks


World Traveler

Embark on a journey of imagination and inspiration.  With "World Traveler," you can capture your thoughts, ideas, and artistic expressions as you navigate the diverse landscapes of your mind. Its compact paperback design makes it the perfect companion for both spontaneous musings and well-planned projects.


Mental Monastery

Mental Monastery is a sacred space where your creativity finds sanctuary. Whether you're an artist seeking to manifest your vision, a writer penning your next masterpiece, a musician composing your symphony, or a thinker contemplating the universe, Creative Chronicles is your trusted companion.  Within these pages, you're not just jotting down notes or ideas; you're embarking on a creative pilgrimage. 

Join us on social media and follow the journey as I release more notebooks, share how to publish books on Amazon (if you want to learn), and create AI content from just a thought.  So many tools at our fingertips!

Hello, I'm Glenn, the creator of the CCCN series and owner of Jordan World Publishing.

From 2012 to 2017, I had the privilege of working alongside dedicated doctors at Driscoll Children's Hospital in Corpus Christi, TX. Witnessing these skilled surgeons transform the lives of little babies and children born with defects left an indelible mark on me. I often find myself wondering about those kids and their journeys today.

Becoming a stepfather without children of my own, I've come to realize my true calling is to make a positive impact on the lives of others. I want to help more kids receive the support they need to lead fulfilling lives. It may start with just a few dollars, but my hope is that you'll join us, spread the word, and consider purchasing a few notebooks to help us make an even greater impact together.

The plan to support these young lives is straightforward: for every 100 total copies sold in this series, Jordan World Publishing will donate 20% of the royalties earned and divide it between the following organizations below.

I will be documenting these special moments when I get to hit send on the donation button so be sure to follow our journey on social media.

Thank you for your support.