We're super happy to see such a great adoption rate of the new Scheduler. The addition of features such as the ability to upload Videos and Carousels, coupled with integration with TikTok, has significantly elevated the Scheduler's usage. As a result, we've received more of your fantastic suggestions on how to enhance it even further.

Today, we announce a minor update to the Scheduler, incorporating various improvements and fixes to enhance your daily usage experience.

1. Possibility to Delete Posts from the Calendar View

You can now delete scheduled posts directly from the Calendar View, eliminating the need to switch to the list view. Simply click on an existing post, then choose "Delete" at the bottom-left corner of the modal window, as shown below.

2. Display of the Scheduled Year in the List View

We appreciate marketers who plan ahead, and in response to many of your requests, we have added the option to display the year in the List View. This enhancement reflects the extensive use of the Scheduler and how far into the future you plan your social media strategy. The List View now features the year along with the date and time, as shown below.

3. BugFix for Duplicated Tasks

A bug was reported where, under certain conditions, posts on the Calendar were displayed as duplicated even if only one existed. This occurred while editing scheduled posts in the Calendar view, then switching to the List View and then back to the Calendar View. Rest assured, this issue has been resolved.

4. Improved Calendar View on Mobile

We have made several improvements to optimize the Calendar's appearance on mobile devices, particularly those with smaller screens. The buttons at the top of the calendar are now more organized for a streamlined mobile experience. Here's how it looks now:

5. Nicer upload fields

We've improved the upload fields to look much more nicely across all devices. Here's the new look:

We hope these updates enhance your scheduling experience, making the management of your social media content even more easily. As always, we value your feedback, so feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions.