Port Pays It Forward (PPIF) is a community service program tackling food insecurity all while helping small business. Our mission is to promote a ripple effect of kindness bringing the community together one business and one customer at a time.   What is Port Pays It Forward and how did it come to be? It all started over the December 2020 break when we had a lot of time on our hands stuck at home! One evening our family was brainstorming and researching ways we can give back to the community. We came across an article about the concept of Sospeso in Italy. The name Sospeso comes from Caffè Sospeso, which literally means "suspended coffee." This is a Neapolitan practice of anonymously paying for a coffee ahead for someone else in need. We were intrigued, and as we dug deeper we read about other cafes and restaurants here in the United States that have successfully applied this very concept to make a difference for businesses and community members. We decided to bring this idea to our town, Port Washington, New York. We are longtime Carlo’s Pizza lovers (who isn’t!) and since Carlo’s was the very first restaurant we ordered take-out from after months of home-cooked meals in quarantine at the onset of Covid-19, we thought it was fitting to start the program with them. With family back home in Italy, Carlo’s ownership was familiar with the Sospeso concept and agreed to host their very own Sospeso with pizza slices. Lots of us are having a tough time right now, but there is no reason for anyone to be hungry. We want to get the word out to please head to Carlo's Pizza to GIVE IF YOU CAN, TAKE IF YOU NEED! A slice is all it takes to make a difference.             

Here's how it works:

Customers can donate $3 to buy a slice of pizza for the next person in need; and when they do, they can also fill out a message of kindness on a Post-it Note and stick it on the wall for redemption.


Additional donations can be made to @portpaysitforward via Venmo to further tackle food insecurity and support local organizations and community members. No one should go hungry.

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